What should I keep in mind when choosing a domain name?
  • 1.   Follow the short-and-sweet rule
    Although the length of a domain name is not an SEO factor, avoid names that are too long or confusing. Aim at one that’s easy to remember and natural to type in the search box. Set a limit to 15 characters.

    2.   Avoid hyphens
    If your domain name consists of two words, you may want to separate them with a hyphen. However, you should know that hyphens are associated with spammy websites, so it’s not recommended to use more than one.

    3.   Don’t use numbers
    When someone hears the name of your website, it might be confusing if they are supposed to type in numbers or words (e.g. 2 or two). You should shorten and simplify the road between the user and your website as much as possible.

    4.    Do a domain name radio test
    Imagine your domain name gets pronounced on the radio. Will the listeners know what exactly to type just by hearing the name? It is advisable to avoid similar sounds (e.g. “C” sounds both like “see” and “sea”; “U” sounds like “you”), and dashes (they cause confusion).

How does a website domain name impacts its SEO ranking?
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques implemented with the goal to achieve better ranking in the search results page in order to maximize the number of website visitors. Before choosing the perfect domain name, you need to understand keywords in domains: According to our research, personalized domain names are gaining momentum: 72% of those surveyed stated they find it very important for professional success. If you can manage to incorporate keywords along with your brand - that’s great. But don’t insist on keywords at the expense of your brand: it’s simply not worth it. If you want to boost your ranking in the search results page, learning about SEO is a must.

What are top level domains?
  • Top-level domain (TLD) is the part of the domain name found at the end after the dot (e.g. https://www.bkit.com). There are different top-level domains .com, .org, .biz, .net etc.

What is the difference between a first-level, second-level and third-level domain name?
  • The best way to explain this is through an example and the best one is Bkit Business with her http://bkit.business.com/. First level domain is .com, second level is business, and third level is bkit. bkit registered her surname business.com and she can basically have all of her family on this one domain, ie. hersister.business.com, which would be a different third level domain than bkit.business.com. Third level domains are sometimes called subdomains.

What is DNS (domain name system)?
  • Domain Name System (DNS) is a system of Internet servers which identify domain names and translate them into IP addresses. The DNS is made up of thousands of computers referred to as servers which host websites. It basically serves as internet phone book. Each computer on the Internet is assigned with their own address, an IP address, in a form of strings of numbers. Your domain name is connected to the specific IP address of your website – it serves as the online address of your website. Thanks to the DNS, instead of typing to enter this website, you can just type bkit.com in your browser and learn all you need to know about domains.